The gas welding process is more difficult to mechanize and automate than the electric welding process. Therefore, automatic gas welding with multi-flame linear torches finds application only when welding shells and pipes made of thin metal with longitudinal seams, gas welding is used in: the manufacture and repair of products from thin sheet steel (welding of vessels and tanks of small capacity, welding of cracks, welding of patches, etc. ); welding of pipelines of small and medium diameters (up to 100mm) and fittings for them; repair welding of cast iron, bronze and silumin; welding of products made of aluminum and its alloys, copper, brass, lead; surfacing of brass on steel and cast iron parts; welding of forged and ductile iron using filler rods made of brass and bronze, low-temperature welding of cast iron.
Almost all metals used in technology can be welded with gas welding. Metals such as cast iron, copper, brass, lead are easier to gas welding than arc welding. If we also take into account the simplicity of the equipment, then it becomes clear that gas welding is widespread in some areas of the national economy (at some machine-building plants, agriculture, repair, construction and installation work, etc.).
The use of gas welding is beneficial in the conditions of repair shops, in agriculture, and often in enterprises with individual and small-scale production, especially in those cases when butt welds are welded with flanged edges, where there is no need to use filler material. It is most widely used in the manufacture and repair of sanitary equipment and pipelines from small-diameter pipes in industrial and residential construction.
me areas of the national economy (at some machine-building plants, agriculture, repair, construction and installation work, etc.).